For Max Hertz his process is his art. He is a sculptor investigating and formulating a visual language through the making of things. It begins with drawing several iterations of a conceived form, imagining it from all angles. Then with 3-D modeling software, a jigsaw, and an assembly process reminiscent of play with childhood toys, the conceived form becomes a work of art with presence and permanence as if it always existed. The work is beautiful, humorous, and peaceful all at once. Though only 26, Max’s work possesses the confidence and clarity of an artistic career in full bloom.


How do Plein air painting, notan and color combine to create a vibrant expression of the land? Join Marji and Scott Gellatly as they discuss his process of abstracting landscapes infused with a bonanza of color and thoughtful composition. Learn how Scott gathers inspiration through plein-air...


Imagine working on a series for years! Imagine how much you'd learn about your subject and yourself. This process has stuck with Bay Area painter Marshall Crossman. Her series isn't just five or ten paintings, but rather 250, in the case of her yearbook series. She continually grows through...


What do food and art have in common? Join Marji in an interview with Nicola Bennett to discover how to take a passion for food and local ingredients and apply it to canvas! Follow Nicola through her discovery process as she meets local farmers, browses recipes, and creates delicious food...


What is style and how do we discover our own unique voice? Join Marji in a discussion with Jenny Fermor on the discoveries that lead Jenny to her unique style of portraying the Spanish unban landscape. Jenny is a CVP alum, and takes us through her experience after CVP, her journey and the...


Fresh, accessible, and friendly are feelings that come to mind when viewing the paintings by John Button. It’s no surprise that these words describe his character as well. There’s an ease, humility, and authenticity in how John describes his work and the life he’s built around it. A transplant...