May 8, 2024

Fresh, accessible, and friendly are feelings that come to mind when viewing the paintings by John Button. It’s no surprise that these words describe his character as well. There’s an ease, humility, and authenticity in how John describes his work and the life he’s built around it. A transplant from a coastal English town to Stockholm, Sweden, his work reflects his love of the scenery, past and present. It’s within him and has shaped who he is and the art he creates. He creates for himself first, and painting is his calling.


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To learn more about John Button and his work, check out the resources below:

*Please note that guest presenters are not necessarily Academy members available for commenting.


  1. Another great interview Ann……so interesting to hear John talk about his work.

  2. Thank you for this interview! It’s so great to be introduced to an artist I may not have found on my own but whose work is so delightful! I’m just in awe of the freedom and confidence of his marks, and the whole ephemeral feeling of his work.

  3. Loved this interview! Thanks Ann, great job!

  4. That was a terrific interview, Ann and thanks for introducing me to his wonderful work. I love his colors and sensibilities. The sea, the sea.

  5. Ann you did an awesome job with that interview! I enjoyed watching you as you helped excavate his motivation and the context of his artistic choices. He was vulnerable in sharing his truth. It was a wonderful exchange!

  6. Ann
    Wonderful interview and conversation!

  7. What a great interview! Ann, you asked the right questions and managed to draw out what I suspect is usually a reserved, shy artist. I didn’t know his work before, and really can appreciate how his training and surroundings resonate in his paintings. Wish i could go to Tokyo to see his show!

  8. Loved this interview. It’s so much fun to get a peak into other artists’ processes. (I too am much better at starting than at finishing.)
    I found John’s work several years ago and love the simplicity and seeming effortlessness of his work. It’s always fun to hear more from someone you admire.

  9. Really enjoyed seeing John’s work and hearing about his architectural background and current process. Love his soft calming color palette! And of course… the seascapes and still-life and how they are intertwined at times. Fascinating!

    Thanks Ann for a wonderful interview!

  10. Wow. Wonderful! That interview rang so many bells for me. I am in awe of being able to see and hear artists talk about their work, their likes and dislikes – and all things art that make it such a personal pursuit. Anne, you were the perfect interviewer. Ps i have long had dinghys as an archetypal shape due to a childhood by the water. John’s work has an unfussiness that I admire enormously. But tropical Queensland is a long way from coastal Sweden so his colour palette was very much in contrast to mine though I loved it nevertheless!


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