“It’s better to be safe than sorry,” the slogan goes. It’s also easier! Join Susan and Laura, our social media goddess, to learn how to protect yourself from internet scammers preying on artists.
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Great to watch! I changed 5 passwords after this. Ones that are low usage so I could get into it without freaking out if I couldn’t access from another device.
I received the Facebook Page will be removed email twice. Click here. And by reaching out in the Academy I soon quickly backed away and deleted those emails.
I also received the help me validate request from and IG friend but soon got stressed that I needed to text something. When I got pressuring responses from my response of concern, I again deleted the request as I realized my friend had been hacked.
Get the “we can help grow your IG account” msgs lots – they make me laugh as I don’t need help with that. But I didn’t know what they were fishing for.
Lastly – I lost my YouTube Account last month. I thought that was a hack at first but it was pretty complete. Took me a lot of research, trial and error but I got it back. You can reach out if you want the deets on that : )
Thank you both for taking the time to help us with this. Here and in the FB group.
One last thing, I screwed up the authentication on my first attempt cos I panicked and lost the number but have the text authentication. Should I get the What’s App as a back up. I think you mentioned yes.
Thanks a gain : )
Hey Pauline! Thanks for the info. These scammers are relentless.
I recommend using more than 1 option for 2 factor authentication if you can!
I’ve just been watching this whilst making my super tasty supper……..However, I now feel sick and wont be eating until I’ve changed all my passwords!
Your video was a huge eyeopener, and I had no idea there were so many scams waiting to trap people. Thanks so much for the heads-up!
I did Authentication but didn’t know that I could check all the options I only put my cell phone texting. How can I go back and fix it?
Love this. I would suggest that you also use the app 1Password. It will generate strong passwords for everything and save them for you. You enter into it and can open websites with your passwords right from there. I use it for everything.
So good! Thanks for sharing.
Really excellent information. Thanks so much!!
Laura and Susan! thank you so much for making this educational video! I am Aimee , the one whose account was hacked. Laura, I figured out I did not have 2 factor authentication set up. The hacck was almost instant the moment I sent the screenshot. Also with the screenshot scam the link that is sent from your phone is actually a real link from Instagram. SO what the hackers are doing is they try to login to your account. then they click forgot password. Then Instagram sends the link to your cell phone. If you click the link they sent you it would actually just prompt you to create a new password. And actually if you click the link it does NOT allow them to finish the hack. IF you click that link they have to send you another link. They try to reassure you that you are safe bc you are not clicking the link. ANyway , I have learned so much the hard way. My account “AimeeBonhamArt” is still hacked. The hackers added underscores. “__aimeebonhamart__”. if you want to follow me you can go to @aimeebonham_studio.
Oh man! Thanks for the additional info Aimee! ❤️
Such amazing information. I thought I knew how to stay safe but this was a huge eye opener!! Thank you.
Oh wow! Scary! I must say I already got some msgs like that but my instinct told me not to answer. Such a bunch of crazy and horrible people out there… Thank you for this amazing video!
Thank you for this info–it’s so helpful and timely. Several people I know have been locked out of their IG accounts because they didn’t have the extra protection. I’ve been dragging my heels about getting an authenticator app and appreciate this info.
Thank you Susan and Laura so much! Since I lost my IG account to the “ambassadorship” scam (the one Susan received from “me”), I received another attempted hack just a couple days ago. I received a text from someone requesting a portrait of their son and needing it quickly. They were very pushy and rude, using the hand emoji and say Hello! if I didn’t respond immediately. When I asked about payment they said they would have to send a check through a trust fund. As soon as I started to answer NO, all the texts went to vanish mode. Please be careful, friends!
Thank you for this helpful information. One can never be too careful.