DECIDING WHAT STAYS AND WHAT GOES (Suggested for Stage Three; Learning)
This month we welcome Toril Kojan, who is interested in several things with her paintings—the textured surface, figures, colors and story. In this critique, Susan Melrath and Toril discuss design challenges, and make some hard decisions about what has to go and what wants to stay in this critique of Toril’s paintings.
What you will learn:
- Giving equal importance to color, value, and texture can feel a little chaotic
- Sometimes adjusting paintings can simply be done with colors and values with what you already have in place
- Even with highly saturated color paintings, design still must be key
- Texture doesn’t have to be part of the loud conversation, it can be part of the quiet conversation
- Understanding the elements and principles that matter most to YOU is critical in the decision making process as we make our work
There is the story we want to tell and the painting we want to make
Click here to download the video transcript.
*Please note that guest presenters are not necessarily Academy members available for commenting.