Jan 15, 2025

What do food and art have in common? Join Marji in an interview with Nicola Bennett to discover how to take a passion for food and local ingredients and apply it to canvas! Follow Nicola through her discovery process as she meets local farmers, browses recipes, and creates delicious food combinations. Through this process, she finds the essence of flavor, texture, sound and color to create abstract works with subjects like oyster mushrooms, asparagus, seaweed and brussel sprouts. A delicious interview not to be missed.


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*Please note that guest presenters are not necessarily Academy members available for commenting.


  1. I am in complete awe of the depth of your passion for both cooking and painting. The process from start to finish is a journey of delight (even when the paintings won’t cooperate with you right away!) Delicious!! The description of the dinners you cook for people as they are surrounded by your paintings is so inspiring. It’s visual art combined with a kind of performance.

  2. Great interview bt 2 inspiring women. Thank you I really enjoyed it. Nicola just love your passion.

  3. So much yummy energy, thank you very much Marji and Nicola! “All of it … more or that”. I loved your conversation.

  4. A beautiful interview! Rich visually and full of inspiration! You two should have a show together!!

  5. Wow! Nicola’s painting are truly delicious! Her passion for discovering delicious food and combinations of food just enables her paintings to end up with lots of lovely ingredients.
    Marji,as always, you interview people so well. I can see why you are a great admirer of Nicola’s work. I can actually see relative colours and marks in both of your paintings.
    Thank you Nicola and Marji.

  6. I love the energy and passion!

  7. Terrific interview. Nicola’s paintings are gorgeous and her process is so inspiring. Thanks, Marji for guiding such a beautiful conversation. One of my favorites!

  8. Thank you Marji and Nicola for such a lovely, joyous interview. A rare thing to see food expressed so exquisitely with all the nuances of flavour and colour and is such a delight. As you describe the paintings I can taste and feel – I lost my sense of smell which kind of divorces you from the world, but the paintings bring back the memory of saffron that must be locked in there somewhere. Any chance of an art book for those of us who can’t nip over to Sweden for a meal? It would be food for the soul.

  9. That was such a great conversation rather than interview. Very inspirational. I’m a fan! I love Nicola’s paintings and her spirit. thank you

  10. Infectious, delicious inspiration!
    Thank you!


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