Jan 15, 2025

What do food and art have in common? Join Marji in an interview with Nicola Bennett to discover how to take a passion for food and local ingredients and apply it to canvas! Follow Nicola through her discovery process as she meets local farmers, browses recipes, and creates delicious food combinations. Through this process, she finds the essence of flavor, texture, sound and color to create abstract works with subjects like oyster mushrooms, asparagus, seaweed and brussel sprouts. A delicious interview not to be missed.


Please click here to download the transcript

*Please note that guest presenters are not necessarily Academy members available for commenting.


  1. That was an inspiring interview…..I especially love her shapes and marks
    Thanks Marji. You are such a positive influence.

  2. Awesome interview! Textbook integration of life and art! Loved it!

    • Amazing interview! Two inspiring painters sharing process and their beautiful inner personalities. Nichola’s paintings and presentations are incredible. Marjorie did a great job with the interview, that actually felt like two friends talking. Well done.

  3. Love the holistic approach to Nicolas practice , definitely embraces every aspect. To find a subject that you truly embrace and has so much to give in return is a blessing. Great interview and outlook

  4. That was a truely delicious conversation, thanks Marji and Nicola. Very inspiring.

  5. What a nice interview. The colors and the words made my heart sing

  6. Enjoyed the conversation… More so because I too enjoy painting stuff from my kitchen table – garlic, cloves, red chillies…
    Utensils like cups….

    Loved listening to her thoughts and process.

    Most of all I learnt that she does not abandon any of her work – keeps at it until she is satisfied! A great start for 2025!

  7. This was one of my favorite artist’s interviews all year! I just loved hearing about Nicola’s process and her inspiration. Sooo much fun!
    Thank you Marji !!

  8. Two beautiful ladies and amazing artists. Truly enlightening interview. We are all so impacted by colour, but what an amazing way to choose Your palette. Much to think about. Thanks for this Masterclass.

    • An amazing interview with a brilliant painter. And I love how Nicola emphasizes the struggle part of painting. It just isn’t easy and you need a lot of persistence. But that can get you far.

  9. I just have to comment Marji; you bring these conversations on a beautiful journey…one mixed with passion, generosity. and personal sharing of life at its best. Nicola is such an inspiring artist with an amazing sensitivity. Her personality is infectious and it’s all reflected in the paintings she so carefully renders. Her paintings are rich with color and their depth speaks to the depth of her inquiry into the ingredients she paints. You can’t help but taste them and smell them, bringing their flavors to life on a canvas. What a wonderful interview!l

  10. Awesome interview. I learned more than I thought I would, because it was about the art but also about the beauty of food and the process she went through to complete her final product.
    I will be looking at my own art for new ideas.


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