Dec 4, 2024

Making art alone in one’s studio is one thing, showing it is quite another! What does it take to prepare for a show? What makes a cohesive body of work? What considerations come up regarding a solo or a group exhibition? Nick and Ann dive into these questions and much more as they reflect on their recent shows. Nick tracks the evolution of his solo show from start to finish, and Ann shares the development of her group show with two friends. This Master Class covers mindset, process, promotion and hospitality — all important considerations to put your best self forward with confidence and joy!


Please click here to watch our video walkthrough on how to download the audio and transcripts for all Academy materials.

*Please note that guest presenters are not necessarily Academy members available for commenting.


  1. Wow fantastic chat between you both. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I’ll watch again with pen and paper handy to jot my ideas down from hearing what inspires you. Great that you were both sharing different experiences too.

  2. Thank you , I just watched the video , I am no where near near having a show , but watching you made realize it is the process of making art is important. So I started painting . I have been in a painting rut , but I started painting and I will post today ,,

    • Such a great video. Thank you for sharing all the insights. I just got a studio in September, my first open studio was cancelled courtesy of a hurricane. So my actual first opening was in November and my next one is this coming Saturday evening. I never would have had the courage to pursue having my own studio without CVP and the Art to Life Academy. The encouragement received in the Academy helped me get there. Looking forward to all my open studio days ahead in 2025.

  3. It’s so great to be in a community of people doing the same things. I’m in the late stages of preparing for a show that opens in about 7 weeks. I’m literally grinding my teeth holding way too much tension even though this is my 4th solo show in the last 5 years. 2 nonprofit/2 commercial galleries. I’m looking at my paintings from 3 years ago, seeing some gains and also things I’ve lost in my work that I’d like to return to. Experiencing way too much self judgement and doubt this time. But I’m pretty sure that’s part of the growth process. Though the doubt is hard right now, painting through it.

    • Yes paint through it Lori. and remind yourself that this kind of struggle is an absolute privilege! We are the lucky ones.

  4. It was great to hear and see your reflections from your recent shows. That “window” of opportunity to see one’s work with very objective eyes is rare and empowering.

  5. Brilliant! Thanks so much, both of you. I’ve just said “yes” to taking part in an Art Trail next spring. There will be a lot of us in the one large space so I won’t need a huge amount of work. I had intended to use some existing work with 2 or 3 new pieces but now I’m inspired to start from scratch with all new work and see what happens!

    • Oh yes make it all new Jennifer. Your energy is palpable!

    • Great video and very informative about the process, but also just the psychological impact of having a show. Also great to hear two perspectives on it. I’m planning on a show next year at my local gallery in May. I have a lot of work that I’ve done recently in the new figurative style so that takes the pressure off at least. Thanks again.

  6. Thank You Ann & Nick this class is so insightful. I have to put more than one toe in the water now!

  7. Grateful for the content and timing! I’ve got five pieces due December 31 for the spring Fort Worth art dealer’s walk.

  8. Thank you so much Nick and Anne, this is so inspiring and helpful, because it is so honest and heartfelt! I was very moved by this masterclass.

  9. Thank you Nick and Anne for sharing your experiences and thoughts about showing your work. I took notes! I’ve been juried into a few shows here in my little town of Carpinteria, and am in the process of planning a pop-up show here in my home. So the timing of this video is so perfect. So thanks again for this!
    Jackie Curry

  10. This comes right before my solo exhibition this weekend (Dec.7/8). Thank you so much, Ann and Nick. Especially the last part about connecting with your visitors stuck with me. Taking time for talking and asking them meaningful questions.
    I’ll report on my experience in the fb group and show you photos after the weekend.
    I’m a bit nervous now, but know from experience it’ll turn out alright.

    • By the way, Nick. How do you keep your Acryl paint wet in those buckets you use? Retarder? Water?

      • He covers them with a lid. Paint in buckets can stay surprisingly wet for a long time. I’ve had a bucket of white for over a year.


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