Jan 22, 2025

In this month’s Critique, members of the Art2Life Coaching team—Nadine, Marji, Ellen, and Suzanne Lewis—came together for a Mastermind discussion. Each coach shared their own art, seeking feedback and exploring questions and challenges within their practice. The lively conversation was filled with insights, creative ideas, and inspiration for all who attended. Be sure to check out the recording to see what takeaways you can bring into your own practice!


Click on the button below to download the files from the critique.

*Please note that guest presenters are not necessarily Academy members available for commenting.


  1. Wonderful styles, themes, colors, and observations; thank you all!

  2. Hi Ellen, I’m curious to hear that you have some of these paintings in a gallery but then sometimes make changes once they come back – so I guess you don’t varnish them, what finish do you have on them?


    • Hi Jo, thanks for your question. Sometimes I varnish and sometimes I don’t. If I have varnished, I sand it down somewhat to give it tooth again. I use either Golden or Nova products on my acylic/mixed media paintings.

  3. Thank you thank you thank you. So much talent. And such generosity

  4. What a wonderful celebration of all your work and the underlying process.
    Because I have only followed the work of Nadine and Marji it is so exciting to see your new direction… I look forward to seeing more.

  5. Hi Ellen. Thanks so much for sharing your amazing work with us. I fully understand your emotional journey with your art. I really like this surfing piece and may I suggest you leave it and begin a whole series of them?
    Keep up the fabulous work!

    • Hi Deborah, Thank you for the comment! Yes, I think I will keep the surfer as is and do more. Great suggestion! and thank you so much!!!!

  6. Really enjoyed this. Learning as always. Thanks

  7. Marji, Marji Marji, I gasped when your 5th image came up. The color variation in the sky, texture in the water and reflections are breathtaking! The first and second images are so soft and comforting.
    Go wherever your sails will take you!

    These will fly off the shelf…that is assuming you want to sell them. If it were me, I’m not sure I could give them up.


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